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Female Experience

FemDom 02
FemDom 04
FemDom 03
Female Dominance  –  “My Game. My Rules.”pixel
This workshop adresses women* who are in the process of discovering their dominance, women who have been anxious about bringing their favourite active phantasies to life, as well as those with with little or lot experience, who want to intensify and deepen their top-space in general. With Sheila as experienced switch and workshop leader, we offer a safe space for a sensual and fun evening.

A very common phenomenon for active players is being the "top on demand", meaning the scene and what happens in the scene is largely determined by the wishes of the passive player/s. And there is certainly nothing wrong with fulfilling the desires of our partner/s. Often though, a scene and all players will benefit from the active part leading the game and doing exactly what he or she wants for him/herself!

This leads to questions like:

What are our own desires and phantasies as tops?
How do we unbury our own wishes?
How do we act out our desires and phantasies in a scene; to the benefits of ourselves and our passive partner/s?
How to escape the "pressure to perform"?
How do we handle breaks, uneasy feelings, lacking compatibility or cluelessness on our part?

While we will give you some practical advices concerning BDSM techniques, our focus will be on developing playful scenarios together step by step and experimenting with exercises and situations. Everything goes – use the space to leave your comfort zone, try out that scene you have been dreaming about, ravish a victim as a group, be worshipped, be resisted, ...  In a nutshell: Approach the kind of play you want and try out what kind of Top you may desire to be.

For passive partners: This evening is not "about you". This is not to say that limits will not be respected – as always consensus (meta or not) is the key. But: This workshop is about your active partner/s desires and wishes. Neither orgasms nor good times are guaranteed – maybe you will be designed as mere spectator. Or maybe you will have the scene of a lifetime. Surprise!

Organisational Matters:
You are invited to bring passive partner/s. This is not a requirement for participation, though.

Bring your favourite toys. Those you feel good and safe with and those "I never dared"-thingies. Maybe you will find situations to share, learn, get tips or trade stuff! A blindfold will be needed for every passive person.

*All women and those who identify as women are welcome. Cisgender, Trans/Intersex., Trans*gender, Hermaphrodites, bigender, genderqueer. Have we forgot something?

Dates of our workshops